Where is FCS located?
FCS is located at
608 W. Oakland Ave
Oakland, FL 34760
Does FCS offer before or after school care?

Yes. FCS offers free morning care on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8am to 10am. FCS also offers an after school Homework Help program that ends at 3:00pm. The cost to attend Homework Help is $7 per day.

How much is tuition?

A $610 Enrollment Fee is due at the time a student is registered and is non-refundable.

Tuition Rates

K5-4th – $6,800 ($680/10 months)

5th-8th – $7,300 ($730/10 months)

Tuition is paid either annually in July or in 10 or 12 monthly payments through FACTS Management.

There is a $50 flat fee plus any credit card charges when a payment plan is set up.

Click here for more information about tuition rates, payment plans and financial aid. 

Is Financial Aid available?
FCS does not accept any outside scholarships (McKay, Step-Up, etc.) Our PTO does raise funds for currently enrolled families that may need assistance.
Can middle school students earn credits for high school classes?
Yes. All FCS 8th graders take Physical Science and Algebra 1 for 1 high school science credit and 1 high school math credit.
What academic curriculum does FCS use?
FCS uses a variety of curriculums in each grade level. Regardless of what curriculum is used, teachers teach content from Christian worldview. The details about grade level specific curriculum can be found here.
What is the school dress code?
FCS students wear a uniform of red, white or navy blue polo type shirts with khaki or navy blue shorts, skirts, or pants. Regular uniforms are to be worn on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesdays and Fridays, FCS t-shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms. Each student is asked to purchase at least 1 embroidered FCS shirt for special events or dress field trips. For more specific dress code regulations, download a copy of the handbook here.
Is FCS affiliated with a certain church?
No, FCS is not affiliated with a specific church. Our families come from a variety of different churches in the area.Is
What is the wait list process?
You will be informed that you are on a waitlist. You will be contacted when an appropriate opening occurs for the specific grade level your student is wait listed for, which could occur mid-year. At the time you are contacted, you may choose to enroll your child or pass on the opportunity and remove your name from the waiting list and re-apply for the next school year.