

Diverse Curriculum

FCS uses several well-respected curricula, including A Beka, Pearson, Glencoe, Bob Jones, Shurley English (core English curriculum for 1st-8th grades), and Write Reflections.

Spelling Bees

Students in 1st through 8th all participate in an annual spelling bee. Student finalists have the opportunity to participate in regional and state-wide spelling bees.

Math Olympics

The math olympics is an annual event where FCS student finalists compete against other Florida schools in problem solving and computation.

Themed Bible Curriculum

Students in 1st – 8th grade study the same major concepts in their Bible classes throughout the year. FCS encourages students to share what they are learning in Bible with their siblings and parents.

Parent Involvement

We encourage parent involvement in their student’s education and in our school. For interested parents, we offer a number of volunteer opportunities during enrichment days.  Parents staff our library, teach P.E. classes, serve as guest-readers in the classroom, and teach  special courses of interest such as art, Spanish, sewing, self defense, and cooking.


Curriculum By Class


A Beka is used for Bible, Math, Phonics, Reading, Science and Social Studies.

Purposeful Design and A Beka are used for Kindergarten Handwriting.

1st Grade

A Beka and Pearson are used in History, and A Beka is used for Math, Phonics, Science and Spelling.

Bob Jones is used for Reading, Shurley English is used for Language, and Write Reflections is used for Creative Writing.

2nd Grade

A Beka is used for cursive writing, math, phonics, science and spelling.

Pearson is used for Social Studies.

Bob Jones is used for reading, Shurley English is used for language, and Write Reflections is used in creative writing.

3rd Grade

A Beka is used for math and science. Evan Moore is used for spelling.

Pearson is used for Social Studies.

Shurley English is used for language and creative writing.

4th Grade

A Beka is used for math, health, and science. Evan Moore is used for spelling.

Pearson is used for social studies.

Shurley English is used in language and creative writing.

Middle School

Shurley English is used for English, Holt McDougall and Bob Jones are used for history, Glencoe is used for 5th grade math, All Things Algebra is used for 6th – 8th grades and A Beka is used for Science. Seventh grade science is an online class facilitated by our science teacher.

8th graders will each graduate with two high school credits (Algebra 1 honors and Physical Science honors).

We will be happy to answer any of your questions.