Admissions Policy
Family Christian School (FCS) does not discriminate in its admissions of students or in the administration of its educational policies, programs or activities based on race, color, national or ethnic origin.
Reenrollment of existing students typically begins in the middle of January each year. At that time, priority is also given to enrolling siblings of our existing students.
Open Enrollment for the public begins the week after our reenrollment period is completed. Enrollment applications are taken on a first come, first serve basis for each grade level. New student applicants must take the WRAT-3 (Wide Range Apptitude Test) to assess readiness for placement in FCS. This test is now included in the $85 application fee for new students.
Tuition and Fees
A $610 Enrollment Fee is due at the time a student is registered and is non-refundable.
2024-25 Tuition Rates
K5 – 4th — $7,350 ($735/10 months)
5th – 8th — $7,850 ($785/10 months)
Tuition is paid either annually in July or in 10 or 12 monthly payments through FACTS Management.
There is a $50 flat fee plus any credit card charges when a payment plan is set up
Financial Assistance
Both parents are expected to contribute to tuition. If a parent chooses not to work, the assessment firm imputes an annual income for a non-working parent. In the case of divorce or separation, Family Christian School requires both parents to file an application for financial assistance. Family Christian School is not bound by any divorce agreement specifying a parent’s responsibility for educational expenses.
A family’s excessive elective expenses, for example, secondary home ownership, club memberships, and luxury car leases/purchases are counted against a family’s probability of a grant.